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Microsoft Advertising (Bing Ads)


This is a pro feature. Get the pro version here

Setting up the UET tag


Microsoft Ads requires setting up a UET tag and a purchase conversion separately. You can skip this step, if you already have an active UET tag set up. We only need one active UET tag.

  1. Log into your Microsoft Advertising account.

  2. In the menu click > Tools > Conversion tracking > UET tag.

  3. Click > create UET tag.

  4. Give it some meaningful name like UET tag 1.

  5. Save it.

  6. In the next window Microsoft asks how you want to set up tagging. Choose Install the tag yourself.

  7. Then click next until the new tag shows up in the UET tag list.

  8. Copy and paste that UET tag IDinto the plugin.

    UET tag ID

Setting up the purchase conversion

We will set up a new purchase conversion goal, using a purchase event. It is different in the way, that we don't use a destination URL (like in most setup guides), but by using a purchase event. It is much less error-prone and works equally well.

  1. In the menu click > Tools > Conversion tracking > Conversion goals.
  2. Click > Create conversion goal.

Create conversion goal step 2

  1. What kind of conversions do you want to track? > Website

Create conversion goal step 3

  1. What type of goal do you want to set? > Purchase

Create conversion goal step 4

  1. Goal Type > Event

Create conversion goal step 5

  1. Edit event goal
  • Name: purchase
  • Revenue: Conversion action value may vary 0 USD (or the currency of your shop)

Keep the default settings for the advanced settings.

Create conversion goal step 6

  1. Enhanced Conversions
  • Choose Turn on Enhanced Conversions and check the box if you want to pass the email and phone number to Microsoft Ads.

    In the Pixel Manager you also have to check the box for Enhanced Conversions for Microsoft Ads and save it.

    This is optional.

Enable Enhanced Conversions

Enable Enhanced Conversions in the Pixel Manager

  • Choose I don't want to turn on Enhanced Conversions if you don't want to pass the email and phone number to Microsoft Ads.

Disable Enhanced Conversions

  1. Set up tagging

    1. Choose the tag that you've set up earlier.
    2. Choose > Yes, the UET tag was already installed on all website pages when you created another conversion goal or audience list.
    3. Click Save and next

Create conversion goal step 7

  1. Choose Manual installation

Create conversion goal step 7

  1. Custom event parameters

    1. Set equals to and purchase
    2. Set track event on inline action
    3. Click Save and next

Create conversion goal step 8

  1. Done

Supported Events

Here's a list of supported events.

Make more money from your ads with high-precision tracking