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This is a pro feature. Get the pro version here


Available from version 1.39.0

Basic Setup

  1. Open the LinkedIn Campaign Manager:

  2. In the left sidebar, click on Analyze > Insight Tag. Then click on I will use a tag manager. Then copy the partner ID.

LinkedIn Partner ID

  1. Paste the partner ID into the Linkedin partner ID field in the Pixel Manager.

  2. Click on Save.

Event Setup

We'll show how to set up the Purchase event. The same steps apply to all other events.

  1. Open the LinkedIn Campaign Manager:

  2. In the left sidebar, click on Analyze > Conversion tracking. Then click on Create Conversion.

LinkedIn Partner ID

  1. Fill out the form:
  • Name: Purchase
  • Define the key conversion behavior you want to track: Purchase

Then click on Next step.

LinkedIn Partner ID

  1. Click again on Next step.

LinkedIn Partner ID

  1. Click on Event-specific. Copy the conversion_id. Click Create.

LinkedIn Partner ID

  1. Paste it into the Pixel Manager into the Purchase event ID field.

LinkedIn Partner ID

  1. Click on Save.

  2. Repeat the same steps for all other events.

Supported Events

Here's a list of supported events.

Make more money from your ads with high-precision tracking